Sunday, July 05, 2009

The "non-vitation"

Should this bother me?

About a week ago a very good friend of mine got in touch to say that he was going to be in town for the holiday and would I like to get together sometime between July 3 and July 7?

"Sure!" I said, "Just let me check my work schedule and I'll get back to you."

So I did.

I got in touch to say, "Hey! I have the 6th off, how does that work for you?"

It didn't.

And here's why-

Turns out that "sometime between July 4 and July 7" plays out like this:

July 3: Actually, that's a travel/arrival day, so that didn't work.
July 4: Well, that's the holiday itself and the whole point of the trip, so that didn't work.
July 5: I had to work.
July 6: Oh, actually, "we already have plans for that day," so that's out.
July 7: That's departure/travel day, so that's out.

So, basically, there was one, non-negotiable day (July 5) and I had to work.

Now I know that there was nothing malicious behind this, but c'mon man, do a little homework.

Needless to say, I'll be doing something else on my day off tomorrow.

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