Saturday, June 27, 2009

Normally, I'm above this kind of stuff-but...

So, in the past week or so I've two pieces with which I am quite happy. I can't manage to bring myself to say "proud," but I think they are worth reading.

The first is for the website I helped co-found and for which I write on a regular basis. You can find this article here: It's kind of "newsy," and that's not the kind of thing I usually write, so the fact that it turned out as well as it did was a pleasant surprise.

The other is for a website where I am going to be a "guest writer" (or in the site's parlance, a "bartender") when I have the time. I think the piece exposes me as, well, "odd," but if you're here, reading this, you probably already know that about me. You can find it here:
