Friday, June 06, 2008

Apropos of nothing

I made up a list of my personal heroes. I may give these people their own posts at a later date.

In no particular order:
  • Thomas Paine, political philosopher: As much for "The Age of Reason" as for the better known "Common Sense."
  • Simon Wiesenthal, Nazi hunter: As much proof as one could ever need that one person can, and should, make a difference.
  • Abraham Lincoln, American president: One of our greatest presidents, and maybe even a better man.
  • Winston Churchill, English politician: His early career was a little rough, but his conduct leading up to, and during WWII was inspirational and essential.
  • Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, Scottish nobleman and patriot: One of the few who could not be bought during the negotiation of the Act of Union.
  • Carl Sagan, astronomer: His book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark changed my life.
  • Charles Darwin, naturalist: He did for the biological world what Newton did for the physical world.
  • Johnny Cash, musician: I can't think of any single American who better represented what America is, and isn't, than this man.
  • Norman Borlaug, plant scientist: Generally credited with saving more than a billion people from starvation.
  • Margaret Sanger, birth control advocate: One of the first women to campaign for modern family planning.
  • Marc Bloch: French medieval historian who was also a member of the French Resistance. Murdered by the Nazis.