Sunday, May 03, 2009


Okay, so, there's some updates on the last few posts:

The Birthday "thing": It's a go. The date is set. Everyone is confirmed, and at least two of the three attendees now seem to have some degree of enthusiasm for it. Now I just wish it wasn't so far away!

Anger Management: A little better. Not much, but I'm not walking around one degree below the boiling point on a daily basis, just kind of "simmering."

The Proclaimers Concert: I have a solid "maybe" from somebody. I'm going to have to work on this by exerting some gentle pressure.

And finally, I've got a BUNCH of things to look forward to in the next few weeks- the concert, two different birthday parties (one I want to go to and one I feel obliged to go to), and a trip to Chicago on Memorial Day Weekend- woo hoo!!