Tuesday, September 19, 2006

See, my dad was an English teacher...

...so during football season when I'm watching SportsCenter and one of the announcers, hosts, pundits, etc. refers to the NFL team from Jacksonville, FL as the "JAG-wires" I start to develop multiple facial tics. What they are talking about is:

a large spotted feline, Panthera onca, of tropical America, having a tawny coat with black rosettes: now greatly reduced in number and endangered in some areas.

This word has- count them!- three acceptable pronunciations.

1. JAG-wahr
2. JAG-yoo-ahr
3. JAG-you-er (esp. by snooty English-types talking about cars)

NONE of these are a combination of "jag," meaning "a sharp projection on an edge or surface," OR, "wire," meaning "a slender, stringlike piece or filament of relatively rigid or flexible metal."

Thank you for your time.

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